
-> Top 10 Best Nobel Prize in US: The 411 on America’s Brainiac Bonanza

The Best 10 Nobel Prizes in the USA: A Nitty-gritty Exploration The Nobel Prize is one of the high awards bestowed on science, literature, economics, or peace. According to the will Alfred Nobel made in 1895, there are Nobel prizes that are so carefully managed every year in recognition of spectacular works that have greatly affected mankind.

Ever since its establishment, the United States has had a historical count of Nobel laureates. In fact, many Nobel Prize winners have managed to influence human history. In this article, we are going to analyze the top 10 Nobel prizes that were won by persons or organizations in the USA and brief our audience about their accomplishments and legacies.

1. Albert Einstein – Nobel Prize in Physics (1921) Field of Achievement:-

Speculative Physics Awards Year: 1921 For: Discovery of photoelectric effect & Albert Einstein is one of the most infamous characters in the record books of science. Born in 1879 in Germany, he migrated from the rising Nazi Germany to the United States in 1933.

Although it is more famous for his theory of relativity, where Einstein changed the face of defining space and time, this was an explanation by Einstein of the photoelectric effect that gained him the Nobel Prize in Physics. The photoelectric effect is the phenomenon whereby a beam of light can make free electrons come out from metal surfaces without exerting force or doing work on it; one of the primary pieces of evidence of the quantum-mechanical theory.

His work threw major insights into the nature of light and its particle-like behavior and served as the background upon which quantum theory was built. Well, after the photoelectric effect, Einstein’s contributions to physics were many more profound.

His relativity hypothesis, and particularly his famous condition, E = mc^2, leads to the equivalence of mass and energy. Severe changes in the way that modern physics presents enormous implications dwelled for cosmology, nuclear energy, and even more in GPS technology.

Precious as Einstein’s contribution to modern science is, the Nobel Prize was received in a field far away from the one we just mentioned, further underlining his impact.

2. Marie Curie, Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1911) Field of Achievement:

Chemistry Year of the Nobel: 1911 Awarded For: Discovery of elements radium and polonium Born in Poland, her outstanding work was only done majorly in France.

However, the connection she had with the United States was through her brilliant contribution toward developing scientific research and education all over the world.

Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and is the only person to win Nobel Prizes in two different areas of science: Physics in 1903 with her husband, Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel, and Chemistry in 1911. Curie’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry was based on elements that she discovered: radium and polonium.

This work on their isolation made a difference in the thought process about radioactivity, which is a term coined by her. Her work created the great radical breaks in medicine, more importantly in the area of radiation therapy against cancer.

Her research furthermore had its basis in atomic material science and nuclear theory at an advanced stage. Marie Curie’s linkage with the USA goes very deep in her liaisons for logical education and her stature as a path-breaking female scientist in the male stronghold of science.

Overcoming many of the gender prejudices, Curie emerged as an icon for generations of researchers, particularly women in the STEM disciplines.

3. Civil Rights and Peace Martin Luther Ruler Jr. – Nobel Peace Prize (1964) Year of Nobel:

1964. For: Peaceful struggle for dignified rights in the United States of America. This American Gracious Rights Movement leader, Dr. Martin Luther Ruler Jr., took the job of marking off racial segregation and discrimination in the United States. As a result, he transformed the social and political face of the country.

His strong leadership role has, for instance, been recognized through the Nobel Peace Prize win in 1964 for furthering racial equality through nonviolent resistance. Mahatma Gandhi inspired King’s logic of peaceful protest, and he became a universal icon for peace and fairness.

Ruler led numerous protests, marches, and demonstrations, most notably the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963, where he delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. He was the force behind the passage of point-of-interest landmark courteous rights legislation, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

The efforts of Dr. King toward peace, justice, and human dignity inspire movements toward social change; thus his legacy does not only affect the United States but the world at large.

4. Robert F. Kennedy – Nobel Peace Prize Mission (1968):-

Field of Expertise: Peace and Respected Rights Year of the Nobel: Awarded in 1968 (Mortally) As much as Robert F. Kennedy could not go to the Nobel Peace Prize vault, his legacy as an etched figure in the quest for dignified rights and peace is worth consideration.

Being a U.S. Attorney General during his brother President John F. Kennedy’s administration, later becoming a U.S. congressman, showed that Robert Kennedy was indeed a social justice activist with a zest for racial equality and eradicating poverty. RFK was assassinated in 1968 during the Democratic presidential nomination campaign.

His vision of a more equitable and peaceful world, not to mention his energetic advocacy for human rights, led to an after-death appointment for the Nobel Peace Prize. It is through his work as an advocate for aggrieved communities, urging an end to the war in Vietnam, that he made himself one of the most compelling figures in 1960s U.S. politics.

The work of such organizations as the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights would be an excellent influence by Kennedy if his idealistic pursuits have to be followed.

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5. John Bardeen – Nobel Prize in Physics (1956, 1972) :

He won for: Physics Nobel Years: 1956 for the transistor and 1972 for the theory of superconductivity. In short words, John Bardeen is one of the very few Nobel Prize laureates in the field of material science to win it twice.
He shared the Nobel Prize in 1956 with William Shockley and Walter Brattain for having invented the transistor, arguably considered one of the pioneering innovations that would represent the cornerstone of modern electronic devices, computers, and mobiles, among many others. In 1972, he bagged his second Nobel Prize in material science on the BCS hypothesis of superconductivity, which, after all, explained the phenomenon of superconductivity in some materials at incredibly low temperatures.

Implications of Bardeen’s contributions range from gadgets to quantum mechanics, and because his work has shaped the high-tech, innovative world, few can truly equate with him. His success also records the teamwork that often leads to miraculous breakthroughs. His cooperation with other physicists at Chime Labs and his innovative mind, close to the very nature of materials and energy, have marked him as one of the most inspiring physicists of the 20th century. .

6. Franklin D. Roosevelt – Nobel Peace Prize (1945) :-

Field of Achievement: International Discretion and Peace Nobel Year: 1945 Awarded For: For his leadership in the administration of the war years and his role in the establishment of the United Nations Franklin D.

Roosevelt is one of the 32nd presidents of the United States who never managed to accept the Nobel Peace Prize during his lifetime but emerges as one of the most recognizable figures in the annals of history relating to global peace efforts. His leadership during World War II and his contribution to forming the United Nations shaped the post-war world order and laid down foundations for worldwide strategy and conflict resolution. More than all his important alliances with Britain and the Soviet Union, the wartime leadership of Roosevelt lent an edge to the triumph of the Allies over the Pivot powers.

He was the chief creator of the United Nations, an institution that found its existence in 1945 with the paramount aim of patronizing peace, security, and cooperation among countries. His dream for the post-war world was based on universal participation and is the most permanent legacy that one individual has left in the pages of history. Work in the institution of the United Nations and his call for peace, human rights, and international participation made him reap huge recognition as a crucial statesman who altered the course of history.

7. Barack Obama – Nobel Peace Prize (2009) Field of Activity:

Universal Discretion and Peace Year of Nobel: 2009 Awarded for: Special efforts to strengthen universal discretion and participation among peoples Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 for his efforts in establishing global discretion, building international cooperation, and moving forward with the dismantling of nuclear arms.

The coming of Obama as an African American president was the talk of the town, and his government did indeed mark a step towards multilateralism and political cooperation with the world. Among his victories of the distant policy, there was the Iran Atomic Bargain, or, as it is also called, the Joint Comprehensive Agreement of Activity, an offer to realize Iran’s atomic potential within some deal and discretion. Another project during his presidency was relations with Russia and China.
He played a highly influential role in forming the Paris Climate Understanding, a point of interest global agreement related to climate change. Though Obama was controversial on a few points, the Nobel Peace Prize was still awarded to him just because of his vision of a more harmonious world and efforts given to cut down the threat of nuclear weapons.

8. The Nobel Prize was won in the year 1962 for efforts that he made for nuclear disarmament:-

Nobel Year: 1962 Awarded For: Efforts to promote nuclear disarmament Area of Achievement: Peace and Chemistry Linus Pauling is one of the most famous and recognized names, both in pure inquiry as well as political activism.

This charismatic American chemist and peace extremist received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954 due to his work on the nature of the end. He was outspoken against the race of nuclear arms and supported anti-nuclear weapons tests during the Cold War period.

It is such a campaign by Pauling that made a huge difference, especially by showing engagement in the Appeal to Conclusion Atomic Testing and developing international attention to the nuclear weapons. His work for peace earned him one of the most prestigious awards ever given and forever sealed his place in history as a research leader and winner of peace.

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9. Henry Kissinger – Nobel Peace Prize (1973) Field of Achievement:

Secretiveness Year of the Nobel: 1973 Awarded For: Brokerage deal for ceasefire in the Vietnam War. Henry Kissinger, who later served as Secretary of State and National Security Adviser to Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 for his efforts in bringing about the cessation of the hostilities during the Vietnam War.

Where Kissinger’s moves did much to ensure controversy throughout the war—mostly about his efforts, upon Nixon’s approval, to cover up the bombing of Cambodia—his diplomatic feats are credited to have greatly contributed towards ending the war.

Kissinger’s approach to external relations, which are generally termed as realpolitik, was characterized by pragmatic power and interest in American interface in international relations. He greatly contributed to defining U.S. relations with China and the Soviet Union while transforming open political relations with China into an integral part of the approach of détente in the Cold War. HOME STUDY

10. Malala Yousafzai – Nobel Peace Prize (2014) Field of achievement:

Education and Human Rights Year of the Nobel Prize: 2014 Awarded for struggle against abduction of children and young people and their right to education A Pakistan-born icon of courage and an advocate for education, Malala Yousafzai is a treasure to the world.

When Malala was 17, she became one of the youngest Nobel Peace Prize laureates ever for her fight for girls’ education in her native Swat Valley when it was under Taliban rule. Now, Malala’s advocacy work has blossomed into awareness over those children who have been deprived of the right to learn in conflict zones.

Her works inspire millions and contribute to making her a powerful voice for human rights, right from fighting for gender equality, educational rights, and social justice on the worldwide platform.


Here, above all are the very best content for the top 10 Nobel prizes for the United States of America.

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